Tuesday, March 13, 2018

What's Your Purpose?

I was listening to a podcast the other day (The Fat Burning Man Niyi Sobo: How to Think Like a Pro Athlete).  Niyi Sobo is a former professional football player.  He was commenting on superior athletes and the purposes that drove them.  He noted  the mundane practices that they had that led to their successes “on the field”.  He mentioned that there were times when they did not want to go to the grind.  He emphasized that it was a deeper purpose that got them out of bed every morning, motivated them to complete drills, inspired them to follow certain diets, etc.  Sometimes the purpose was to be a successful athlete or to make a lot of money.  Other times there was a deeper purpose.  He used Muhammad Ali as an example and said that Ali’s driving passion was not boxing, but was to inspire, help, and motivate inner city youth.  His high status in the boxing arena allowed him to have a significant positive impact on others.

I think the goal of our lives is to determine our purpose and to live our days pursuing activities that feed that purpose. 

An example - A college student may have the goal of one day owning her own coffee shop.  She pursues a business degree even though some of the courses may be dull and works at a variety of coffee shops part time in order to learn more about the business.  She may not be living her dream every day, but she is pursuing activities that feed her purpose.

Sometimes you are able to feed your purpose at a young age or on a daily basis.  Others have to wait patiently maybe they feed it once a year on a special trip or their purpose is met at retirement or even later in life. 

For today, determine what your purpose is.  What are you working for?  What do you really want out of life?  Even if you can’t do it today, spend every day feeding that purpose and working toward it.