Saturday, October 22, 2016


I have always loved watching Biggest Loser.  In fact, any time a weight loss show is on I typically tune in.  Weight has always been a struggle for me, so I really identify with people who are trying to make a change to their bodies.  Recently, NBC dropped Biggest Loser and aired a new show “Strong”.  The show was all woman contestants and male trainers.  I’m not sure when we made the switch from “amount of weight lost” to “strong bodies”, but I LOVE IT!

My younger years were mostly in the 90s where the “waif” look was in.  I don’t even think I had that body type when I was born.  There was no way I was ever going to accomplish looking like those thin girls in the media – for some reason I picture them with round sunglasses and Nirvana t-shirts.  As an adult woman, I can somewhat accept that now, but as a young girl I would not be happy until I was “skinny”.  It wasn’t about health, strength, or happiness, it was about the way that other people viewed me.  And the crazy thing is – for those of you who have reached a “goal weight” or “size”- you look in the mirror and still aren’t happy!!

Through social media and interactions with other people, I have started to see the switch from skinny to strong.  I think it will take a while to really get out there and I think the media will continue to F it up (now the look is curves, but with the tiniest waist ever, big breast, and a big butt all which can only be obtained if you are a Kardashian or have surgery), but I love that it is out there.

And the thing is – strong isn’t just your physical body.  Strong is getting up every day and going to work.  Strong is raising children. Strong is dealing with not being able to have children.  Strong is overcoming an addiction every minute that you say no to it.  Strong is dealing with mental illness daily and continuing to press on.  Strong is choosing the veggies over the chips.  Strong is choosing the chips and not beating yourself up about it!

On those “weak days” (we all have them) – sit down with a pencil and paper.  Write down at least three things that make you feel strong.  For me today they are…

1.      “Successfully” making it through another week of school

2.      Waking up and having a healthy breakfast this morning

3.      Writing for about an hour today (good for my mental health)  :)

This could even be part of your daily/weekly/monthly bullet journal that looks awesome, but I haven’t quite figured out yet!

As women it seems that our brains have been trained to see our worth in the way that we look and we will never measure up to those magazine covers (Have you seen the articles and videos???  INSANELY AIRBRUSHED!!). Focus on what makes you feel strong today, not weak!  Focus on what your body can do, not what it can’t do.

And SET GOALS!  How can you be even stronger tomorrow?  How will you be even stronger a year from now? 

Hey you!  Yeah you!  You’re lookin’ STRONG! ;)

Buzz Ya Later,


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